Ronas Rapid Perks 3708920 1998 chestnut mare
SI: 93 Starts 6 Wins: 0 2nds: 2 3rds: 1 Earnings: $ 3,534
Hlt Pts: H- 0.0 Perf Pts: P- 0.0 |
SIRE side of pedigree |
Go Man Go 1953 0082000 roan 100 47
27 9 3 $ 86,150 |
Top Deck (TB) 1945 T0066172 brown
Windy Ryon 1973 0920459 sorrel 99 16
5 1 2 $ 50,273 |
Lightfoot Sis 1945 A0024753 sorrel
Silent Light 1967 0682475 bay 99 19 5 1
5 $ 5,752 |
Dividend 1951 0043560 sorrel 100 45
11 11 4 $ 30,435 |
Ronas Ryon 1984 2237224 sorrel 105 23
18 4 0 $ 1,777,976 |
Lantana Belle (TB) 1957 T0059356 brown
Three Bargains 1964 0490666 brown 95 8 4
1 0 $ 1,349 |
Three Bars (TB) 1940 T0065983 chestnut
Rona Bar 1969 0627622 brown 101 37
15 10 4 $ 37,858 |
Little Marina Adams 1950 0034914 brown
Sand Juana 1961 0175247 chestnut
Sanddrift 1953 0056056 chestnut
Bama Paprika 1956 0061967 chestnut
DAM side of pedigree |
Rocket Wrangler 1968 0692535 sorrel 97 23
10 4 4 $ 252,167 |
Rocket Bar (TB) 1951 T0063765 chestnut 85 1
0 0 1 $ 0 |
Dash for Cash 1973 1238058 sorrel 114 25
21 3 0 $ 507,689 |
Go Galla Go 1961 0223836 sorrel 95 35
15 10 6 $ 28,285 |
Find a Buyer (TB)
1966 T0120549
chestnut |
To Market (TB) 1948 T0120550 chestnut
Rapid Perks 1988 2684951 sorrel 89 7 0
1 1 $ 758 |
Hide and Seek (TB) 1952 T0197193 chestnut
Easy Jet 1967 0573195 sorrel 100 38
27 7 2 $ 445,723 |
Jet Deck 1960 0167014 bay 100 31 22
4 2 $ 200,628 H- 5.0 P- 0.0 |
Perks 1977 1285197 brown 87 6 2
1 0 $ 4,995 |
Lena's Bar (TB) 1954 T0059481 chestnut 95
76 24 18 10 $ 28,311 |
Rapid Volley 1963 0373805 brown 100 24
9 0 3 $ 146,919 |
Three Bars (TB) 1940 T0065983 chestnut
Table Tennis 1957 0094987 brown 100 35
10 5 2 $ 35,197 |